The authors of this blog are from the The University of Western Australia (UWA) System Health Lab
More information of the UWA System Health Lab can be found here
Caitlin Woods
Caitlin Woods is a PhD student at UWA and completed a Master of Professional Engineering (Software) in 2018. Caitlin's research is about designing user interfaces for complex work environments (mining, manufacturing, etc). An important part of her research is to ensure that organisations manage their data effectively. This work, as well as Caitlin's ongoing involvement in the UWA System Health Lab and Industrial Ontologies Foundry, has sparked her passion for ontologies. Caitlin spends much of her time seeking to make ontologies more accessible for engineers, managers and others in the technology scene.
Emily Low
Emily Low graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Mathematics and Philosophy mid 2020. Her thesis on representation in different electoral systems sits across these fields. Emily has worked for the Industrial Ontology Foundry researching a definition for the word ‘test’ and developing education materials. She is involved in most UWA System Health Lab projects which require predicate logic.
Marcus Handley
Marcus Handley is working on the development of tools to visualise data and streamline review tasks. As a budding computer scientist with experience in competitive programming and algorithms, he is beginning a degree in computer science later this year.
Frinze Lapuz
Frinze Erin Lapuz is a penultimate undergraduate Software Engineering and Data Science student. He works as part of the Living Lab Team within the UWA System Health Lab, collating information of equipment and procedures to create the Living Lab Website. Also, he volunteers for the Coders For Causes to help non-profit organisation and charity to get the digital solution they need.
Melinda Hodkiewicz
Professor Melinda Hodkiewicz was appointed the BHP Fellow for Engineering for Remote Operations in 2015. The BHP Fellowship funds the UWA System Health Lab. Prior to joining academia Melinda worked as an engineer in industry and uses this experience and her industry links to drive collaboration and innovation aimed at improving asset maintenance. Melinda tags along when SHL teams participate in Hackathons as she aspires to improve her programming skills. In 2016 she was awarded the MESA Medal, a lifetime achievement award for services to Asset Management.